Use "shaking hands|shaking hand" in a sentence

1. Now they're... shaking hands.

2. Her hand was shaking noticeably.

3. I noticed that her hands were shaking.

4. I'm shaking your hand too long.

5. He showed his approval by shaking my hands.

6. Multi racial partners Accomplish negotiations and shaking hands

7. Both boys had good manners, politely shaking hands.

8. There are pictures of you and I shaking hands.

9. He traced the words with a shaking hand.

10. I could hear the phone shaking in his hand.

11. He could feel his hand in the handcuffs shaking.

12. The virus is not passed on through touching or shaking hands.

13. Good shaking.

14. Throughout my first talk, my hand holding my notes was shaking.

15. So he's shaking hands with the president and I'm stuck on the moon.

16. I'm shaking your hand right now because I believe in social graces.

17. Look at me shaking!

18. I can't stop shaking.

19. Can't stop shaking, mate.

20. Motherfucker, stop shaking around.

21. But if I sign with a shaking hand, posterity will say, 'He hesitated.'"

22. But if I sign with a shaking hand, posterity will say,'He hesitated.'"

23. My knees were shaking.

24. Burundians greet each other by shaking hands and often continue holding hands for several minutes after starting a conversation

25. It's shaking me violently.

26. Shaking hands is absolutely adequate for introducing the use of informal address in business life.

27. She sat rigidly, shaking, incapable of anything other than being there, pliant in his hands.

28. Zenor, his hands shaking, also got Bruins forward Adam Oates to give him an autograph.

29. You're shaking like a leaf.

30. He was shaking with fear.

31. 'You're detestable!' she said, shaking.

32. 11 She began shaking uncontrollably.

33. I was shaking with fury .

34. Then the players spent several minutes walking into the stands, mingling with fans and shaking hands.

35. She was shaking with fear.

36. He was shaking with fright.

37. All my bones are shaking.

38. She was shaking with laugher.

39. Dada stood on the steps in the cold, shaking hands, saying something pleasant through clenched teeth.

40. Barbara was shaking with uncontrollable laughter.

41. Or that when I get nervous, my hands start shaking and I'm really self-conscious about it.

42. I am shaking in my sari.

43. A dog shaking hands is not Astonishing, but a dog calling 911 for its owner definitely is.

44. My legs beneath me were shaking.

45. Yeah, look at me, I'm shaking.

46. I was shaking like a leaf.

47. The child was shaking with fear.

48. At this altitude, I can run flat out for a half-mile before my hands start shaking.

49. It's a refreshing change to see a losing team shaking hands and still smiling after a match.

50. Tree were shaking in the wind.

51. On shaking legs he began to descend.

52. All at once the trailer started shaking.

53. My heart is throbbing and I'm shaking.

54. We also cough into our elbows if we're sick - and we wave to people instead of shaking hands.

55. It's better they're shaking afterwards than during.

56. The new recruits are shaking down well.

57. She was shaking with shock and humiliation.

58. There were a few tears even the obstetrician seemed a bit overcome and kept shaking my hand.

59. Ruth stood shaking with despair and indecision.

60. The child's body was shaking with sobs.

61. RAY shaking in the alien force field.

62. He was shaking from head to foot .

63. He noticed, as she sliced the bread and spread it clumsily with peanut butter, that her hands were shaking.

64. A strong yen is shaking the economy.

65. I stood there, crying and shaking with fear.

66. Bellamy was shaking his head in a daze.

67. "It's hopeless, " he said, shaking his head despondently.

68. You're better off shaking a Magic 8 ball.

69. Sounds like you're shaking things up in there.

70. Shaking your head for 'No' is not universal.

71. The train thundered past, shaking the whole house.

72. I turned the key back quietly, extracting it with shaking hands, careful not to let the keys jingle together noisily.

73. The children were shaking, and some were crying.

74. I could see my neighbor shaking with laughter.

75. Shaking the head is a sign of negation.

76. And make firm the knees that are shaking.

77. Carla's narrow escape left her shaking with terror.

78. Her thin shoulders were shaking convulsively in hysteria.

79. Her face was Colorless, and she was shaking

80. You've been shaking your head all day long